Cheat codes for tomb raider ps3
Cheat codes for tomb raider ps3

I'm still not sure if the NTSC codes work. You will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: As noted below, some but not all of the original PS1 cheat codes also work on the PSVita. You can also find more information on Wikipedia's PAL and NTSC pages. If you're not sure which version you have, there should be a sticker on the bottom of the console indicating one or the other format. Most TVs and consequently most game consoles sold in the Americas, Japan and South Korea are NTSC format most TVs and consoles sold in the rest of Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia are PAL format.

cheat codes for tomb raider ps3 cheat codes for tomb raider ps3

PAL and NTSC are the two main formats used by television manufacturers worldwide. NOTE: Where the codes differ, this page lists both PAL and NTSC PlayStation codes. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats.

Cheat codes for tomb raider ps3